Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chap. #17 the final blog!!!!!!

"My name is Aisha Hossain. And I am an illegal alien."

Finally! Aisha finally got around to saying what she really wanted to say! Nadira wanted everyone to hear it to. It's like they wanted to just blurt it out but they knew that it would coast them. In the beginning I remember that Aisha was so against letting other people know. To the point where Nadira wasn't even a loud to tell her best freind. And then Aisha goes up to recite her speech and voices her biggest secret to no one person but to basically the whole community! I really thought that she would never do that, especially (if remember a little while back) she was completely losing it. I never expected her to do that. I expected Nadira would be the one to go around and tell people but no, it was Aisha.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chap. #16 Aisha is ungratful

Aisha flings down her dish towel, goes into the bedroom, and brings out her stack of envelopes to the dinner table. She starts ripping them in half, one by one.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Come on, Nadira. This is formality. We have to leave."
"No, the judge, he said we'd have an appeal."
"Oh please." She jerks her hand away. "You are such a baby. Do you really believe a little fourteen-year-old can make the United States government change its mind?" She tears another envelope in two and pushes chunks of ripped-up paper into a mound in the center of the table.

Okay. I officially hate Aisha with all my heart. I want to call her a lot of bad things but one: they might not be appropriate for this blog and two: I don't even think she deserves it. She just said that Nadira can't do anything to help just because she is a young teenager. I mean we have had seven year olds that have made a difference! So, hate to tell you Aisha but, your sister can kinda make a difference. in fact she is the only one out of your little pity party that is trying to save your dad. Wow.... she really gets on my nerves. I mean in the early chapters of the book she was acting more like everything would be fine in the end and now she has gone a little to far by acting like everything will go down in flames.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chap #13-14 Maps again

"It's like a map that suddenly becomes clear - lines start feeding into each other, connecting the parts. I pull out the new fax, look again. I've go it, I think. I've got a way to get Abba out."

I picked this sentence from he chapter because it was another reference to maps. Nadira, as we know, really likes maps so I picked the sentence because of that. There really seems to be a theme in his book that has to do with water, fire, and maps. During his chapter we also heard about Nadira learning how to swim which is another connection to water, for example. Also I was so happy to hear that Nadira finally got something that might help her father. that about the best news we have heard through out this whole book. YAAAAAY!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chap. #12 Lying is not the answer

"What did you do that for?"
She drops her hand. "Why bother? We're probably no even staying in his country. I don't want anyone o know what's going on with Abba."
"Bu what about the letters we sent? Why let everything go when there's still a possibility-"
She cuts me off. "Now he thinks it was Ma and Abba who prevented me from going. This way he won't think I'm a total flake, which would be worse."
"But you lied. You lied about them!"
Her eyes get small. "Sometime you have to," she mutters, and walks down he hall.

When I read this paragraph I swear I did about 4 double takes. Aisha lying? Since when has she ever done that? We have all known her as little miss sunshine and goody-goody two shoes but now she has just gone and lost it. She lied, about her parents. I can picture Aisha lying about some things in life... but about her parents? No way did I see that cable car coming around the corner! Well, at least Nadira got up and said 'hey dude these are our parents we are talking about her. Thats just not right!' She is at least standing up for what she believes in. Aisha how ever is has just given up and wans to live her life as one giant lie.One I think it wrong to lie about something like that and blame it on you parents just so you don't look like a complete flake, and two it is just plain wrong to lie. I think thats it's better to let someone know the truth, no matter how much it hurts them or you or someone else you know, then to let them live a lie. They might only b mad at you in the beginning if you tell them the truth but if you lie you can lose that persons trust and they will stay mad at you for waaaaaaaaay longer then they would if you told them the truth.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chap #11 finally some bonding!!!

"I don't know. I guess before..." I pause. "Before, you always took over, Aisha. It's like you didn't leave any room for me." For an instant Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going o say something mean, put me down. Instead she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun. "There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to learn how to grab it."

Okay people this our very first sisterly interaction between the two sisters!!!!! YAY!!!! they are finally starting to be nice to each other and not snapping at each other every two seconds! I thought it was a very cute paragraph. Nadira finally opened up to Aisha about how she feels. She told Aisha how she felt about the way she was being treated by her own sister. Then the most spectacular thing happened... Aisha didn't say something mean! Instead she said something that told her sister that she really does care. AWWWWWW!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chap. #10 Tim sucks

"When Tim Joins us at the police station and hears that Uncle's already gone in for questioning, he slaps his hands against his legs. "Oh great."

Okay I have one thing to say about Tim right now... and that is even though he thinks he is trying to help out the family, he's really not. Sure he is a lawyer and everything but he is still in law school or in training. He shouldn't even be trying to do anything since he doesn't completely what he is up against. Also the way that he just storms in there saying 'oh great' isn't really helpful. He kind of said 'oh great' in a way that sounded like 'oh my gosh you people are idiots' or 'you really shouldn't have done that'. I'm sorry but if he really knew what he was doing he would have told them not to say anything while on the phone. He didn't event think of telling them that they needed to remain silent until they had a lawyer present! ARGGGG!!! He really frustrates me... >:(

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chap #9 day dream...

"All through social studies class I keep having this weird vision of a police officer showing up at school. I see his visor tipping down as he pushes through the door. He and Mr. Laird huddle together, and then their eyes comb me over. The other kids are snickering, laughing and my neck grows sticky with sweat as they pull me away from everything I know."

I think that Nadira is really freaked out right now with all thats going on. She seems to be taking this a lot worse then Aisha is. Aisha is still acting like nothings wrong and Nadira has come to face the fact that things might not be okay. I think that this daydream is what her worst nightmare could possibly be right now. She seems to not be only worried about her father anymore but now she worried about what will happen if people find out about her and Aisha. I think she is wondering what it would be like to live a pretty normal life with one huge secret and then have it revealed to everyone as you leave that old life behind.