Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chap #11 finally some bonding!!!

"I don't know. I guess before..." I pause. "Before, you always took over, Aisha. It's like you didn't leave any room for me." For an instant Aisha's eyes flash, and I'm sure she's going o say something mean, put me down. Instead she laughs and picks up the rest of her bun. "There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to learn how to grab it."

Okay people this our very first sisterly interaction between the two sisters!!!!! YAY!!!! they are finally starting to be nice to each other and not snapping at each other every two seconds! I thought it was a very cute paragraph. Nadira finally opened up to Aisha about how she feels. She told Aisha how she felt about the way she was being treated by her own sister. Then the most spectacular thing happened... Aisha didn't say something mean! Instead she said something that told her sister that she really does care. AWWWWWW!


  1. i so agree with you! i was really happy/surprised when Aisha didn't say something mean. i think Aisha is growing up and learning that she should be nice to her sister for once in her life. great job!

  2. i think that part of being a sister is sharing things that mean something to you. trying to help eachother along, as you said lyndsay. and kalli, i do think that being nice to her sister was something that aisha had to learn because of the circumstances

  3. Unfortunately, I do not agree. I don't feel like Aisha said something NICE to her. It was a more suttle, mean. I took that as "I'm smarter, older, and have more authority over you. if you want the lead, you'll have to fight for it."
    But thats just what i felt towards it.
    It was cool how Nadira finally stood up for herself, I just wish that Aisha had said something that would have been like:
    "Oh...I'm sorry little sister, how about you give me an idea of what we should do?"
