Monday, March 9, 2009

Chap. #8 Mr. Rashid

"Aisha," he says gently. "I wish I could tell you that immigration cares about your grade point average. But this is very serious."
This made me laugh. Aisha has fianlly been told to her face that no matter how smart she is, it won't help her with the immagration problems. He said that because he trying to tell her that no matter how smart she is, it's not going to save her dad. She needs to find other ways to be strong so that she won't get her heart crushed when she finds out that she can't do anything to help because she focused on smarts to much.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely! Aisha does REALLY need to realize that she isn't THAT smart. You've brought up a good point, maybe Nadira will bring her down to earth and stop her from acting like a smart A** all the time.
