Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chap #13-14 Maps again

"It's like a map that suddenly becomes clear - lines start feeding into each other, connecting the parts. I pull out the new fax, look again. I've go it, I think. I've got a way to get Abba out."

I picked this sentence from he chapter because it was another reference to maps. Nadira, as we know, really likes maps so I picked the sentence because of that. There really seems to be a theme in his book that has to do with water, fire, and maps. During his chapter we also heard about Nadira learning how to swim which is another connection to water, for example. Also I was so happy to hear that Nadira finally got something that might help her father. that about the best news we have heard through out this whole book. YAAAAAY!


  1. Yes Lyndsay! I agree that maps is a big theme in this book. You made a lot of great supporting detail and I enjoyed reading your diablog...great job! ^_^

  2. Nice job, I like how you mentioned the three themes in your blog. I agree I hope it helps Abba.


  3. Great Points Lyndsay!
    I love how both your blog and Puja's blog have something to do with the themes. You made some really great points and I'm also glad that she has found a way to get Abba out. =D
    I hope it works out and I hope that they have more cell phone zappers later on.

  4. Nice Job,

    I love the connections you made to water, fire and ice. I totally agree these are some major themes in the book and Marina always reffers back to these three themes. I'm also glad that she finds a way to help her father, I just want to know the way. Good Job!


  5. Nice work Lyndsay! I too, like everyone else, am really happy Nadira found a way to help her father!!! So exciting! Nice connections to water, fire, and maps (plus more) . They are definitely recurring themes. I just noticed that they all have to do with nature too.....or help describe nature in the maps case. I'm curious to see what will happen next!!!

  6. I wanted to know why you put “fire” in the list of themes. Where has fire come up? Also, I am not terrible happy with the situation. I’m glad Nadira had a brilliant idea, but it was a shame because she immediately second-guess herself and didn’t use her original plan. She then called Tareq because she thought it would work better. She backed down, I am glad about that, and ran into the streets. She lied to Ali-Uncle, and Tarque might be in big trouble. If she used her original brilliant idea, things might have been better. I also am now very curious what her original plan was because it probably was related to maps because calling Tareq doesn’t seem like it…

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Nadira does seem to have a thing for maps. They are very symbolic throughout the chapter. I'm also happy that she thought of something to help her dad. She really trying to do something now.

  9. I agree with pretty much everything Falcon said, especially with the fire. I really liked how you listed all of the themes though.
    Great B(log)

  10. The fire confused me too, but I agree very much that Nadira has something going on with the maps. I'm really excited that she might be able to get her father out of jail, but she really needs a self-confidence boost. Nobody should be able to shoot their own ideas that quickly. That's scary.
    Awesomeness bloggingness ;P

  11. awesome log lyndsay
    like samara, i totally agree that there are tons of map connections and it's a big theme in the book
    like celeste, i agree that i hope there are more bionic cell phone zap guns in the future.

  12. Awesome Lyndsay! I agree with Samara and Ari. There is a connection with borders and maps and stuff. It is a book about immigration after all.
    I think that the fire is confusing as well, I really hope that she is able to get her father out of jail! But it sucks that she had to involve Tareq. Hopefully he won't get in so much more trouble. D:<
