Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chap. #12 Lying is not the answer

"What did you do that for?"
She drops her hand. "Why bother? We're probably no even staying in his country. I don't want anyone o know what's going on with Abba."
"Bu what about the letters we sent? Why let everything go when there's still a possibility-"
She cuts me off. "Now he thinks it was Ma and Abba who prevented me from going. This way he won't think I'm a total flake, which would be worse."
"But you lied. You lied about them!"
Her eyes get small. "Sometime you have to," she mutters, and walks down he hall.

When I read this paragraph I swear I did about 4 double takes. Aisha lying? Since when has she ever done that? We have all known her as little miss sunshine and goody-goody two shoes but now she has just gone and lost it. She lied, about her parents. I can picture Aisha lying about some things in life... but about her parents? No way did I see that cable car coming around the corner! Well, at least Nadira got up and said 'hey dude these are our parents we are talking about her. Thats just not right!' She is at least standing up for what she believes in. Aisha how ever is has just given up and wans to live her life as one giant lie.One I think it wrong to lie about something like that and blame it on you parents just so you don't look like a complete flake, and two it is just plain wrong to lie. I think thats it's better to let someone know the truth, no matter how much it hurts them or you or someone else you know, then to let them live a lie. They might only b mad at you in the beginning if you tell them the truth but if you lie you can lose that persons trust and they will stay mad at you for waaaaaaaaay longer then they would if you told them the truth.

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